2022 DFL Caucus in Minneapolis to be Contactless for Covid Safety

With the current Covid public health emergency, Minneapolis DFL and our partners are leading the way for public health and safety. Starting on January 3, 2022, Minneapolis DFL has collaborated with our partner 2022 organizing unit Senate Districts to accept non-attendee letters for Minneapolis residents. On Wednesday, January 12, 2022, Minnesota DFL State Central Committee passed new rules that allow contactless caucuses. We welcome this new development.

On Sunday, January 16, 2022, all Minneapolis-area election year organizing units — Senate Districts 59, 60, 61, 62, and 63 — are moving forward with contactless DFL precinct caucuses for 2022. Minneapolis DFL is providing technical support with a single, comprehensive, online caucus sign-up form that is available to all Minneapolis residents. Minneapolis-area Senate Districts will then process these sign-ups — and in-person, drop-off sign-ups from Tuesday, February 1. From there, residents seeking to be delegate are chosen by lot (randomly) with equal division based on gender self-identity.

Minneapolis residents have 3 options to participate in the DFL Contactless Caucus in 2022

  1. Signing up online. Minneapolis residents can sign up for the DFL caucus in Minneapolis online any time up to 9 pm central on Tuesday, February 1, 2022. The Minneapolis DFL single, comprehensive, online form is available at minneapolisdfl.org/2022.

  2. Signing up with a paper or PDF form. Residents may sign and scan a completed form (e.g., Adobe PDF scan or photograph of the completed form), type all information including their signature on the form, or may indicate in the email that the email shall constitute their signature to the completed form attached to the email. You can find your organizing unit contact information on caucus.dfl.org. These emails with attachments should be sent to the following emails. Emails must be sent by 9 pm central on Tuesday, February 1, 2022:

  3. Signing up in-person at drop-off locations. Residents may sign up with paper forms at Minneapolis-area drop-off locations from 6:30 pm to 9 pm central on Tuesday, February 1, 2022. Residents can find their neighborhood precinct’s drop-off location at caucus.dfl.org.

Can I submit resolutions like I would on caucus night in-person?

Yes, most definitely! The Minneapolis DFL single, comprehensive, online form allows an unlimited number of resolution (policy idea) PDF forms and the link to the blank PDF form is available in the online form.

What will happen for precincts where there are less sign-ups for delegate than delegate slots for the precinct?

If there are more precinct delegate slots available than sign-ups for a given convention, everybody gets to become a delegate. For precincts where there is no contest for the election of delegates or alternates, those who have indicated the desire to be elected shall be declared elected.

If there are fewer precinct delegate slots than sign-ups for a given convention, delegates will be chosen by lot (randomly) with equal division based on self-identified gender identity. For precincts where there is a contest for the election of delegates or alternates, the Organizing Unit shall schedule public Zoom or other virtual meetings to draw lots where candidates and others may attend to observe. These meetings shall be scheduled between Monday, February 7, 2022, and Friday, February 11, 2022. A schedule of the meetings to draw lots shall be made available to all candidates for endorsement on or before February 6, 2022.

How will contactless affect equal division and self-identity representation?

Inclusivity is a foundational principle of the DFL Party. As always, DNC rules require that no gender identity represents more than half the delegates or alternates as participants are available. The Minneapolis DFL single, comprehensive, online sign-up form asks for gender self-identity to follow these rules.

Have more questions?

Learn more at dfl.org/caucus.


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